2016年9月19日 星期一

APPLE判賠2千2百萬給NPE - 請求項解釋討論

ACACIA(Acacia Research Corphttp://acaciaresearch.com/)被歸類為NPE(利用訴訟與授權獲利,並非因為產品獲利),與專利權人合作,並回報獲利,Portfolio涵蓋能源、醫藥、半導體、科技、通訊與自動車等,最近在東德州地方法院對Apple Inc.勝訴,Apple即便對系爭專利提出無效主張,但被駁回,地院法官甚至認定為蓄意侵權,執行三倍賠償,Apple被判賠2千2百萬美元。

被告:APPLE INC., et al.

US8,055,820原本是由Nokia獲准的專利,優先權溯及2007年,專利權於2013年轉讓給Acacia,同年又轉給子公司Cellular Communications Equipment LLC,專利曾歷經IPR(HTC與NEC等公司一併提出的IPR201401136、Apple提出的IPR201500578),但皆未啟始(institution)。專利涉及根據通訊裝置預選緩衝區的狀態指定其通訊報表格式的方法。

請求項1涉及的方法包括監測通訊裝置的緩衝區,偵測當中預選緩衝區的狀態,並根據偵測結果指定其中緩衝區狀態的報表格式(reporting format),以此報表格式與網路裝置溝通。
1. A method, comprising:
monitoring a usage of a plurality of buffers;
detecting one of a plurality of pre-selected conditions corresponding to the plurality of buffers;
designating one of a plurality of buffer status reporting formats comprising a long buffer status reporting format and a short buffer status reporting format depending on the pre-selected condition detected; and
communicating a buffer status report to a network device in accordance with the buffer status reporting format designated, wherein the designating designates the long buffer status reporting format when there is sufficient uplink bandwidth to communicate using the long buffer status reporting format.
訴訟審理開始,先解釋專利範圍,法院採用Phillips v. AWH Corp., 415 F.3d 1303, 1312 (Fed. Cir. 2005)原則,引用內部證據,以發明相關技術領域的人從專利請求項瞭解其意義,模糊的部分則是自專利說明書來解釋專利範圍中的用語(編按,因此說明書對各技術元件的定義最好前後一致,不要產生不一致聯想,因為解釋專利範圍的人是法官)。

"In the specification, a patentee may define his own terms, give a claim term a different meaning that it would otherwise possess, or disclaim or disavow some claim scope."

"The specification may also resolve ambiguous claim terms “where the ordinary and accustomed meaning of the words used in the claims lack sufficient clarity to permit the scope of the claim to be ascertained from the words alone.”"

接著考量系爭專利審查歷史禁反言,顯然對於本案來說,對解釋請求項中的"uplink bandwidth"頗為重要,最後法院認定這個詞應解釋為「the space available in an uplink grant」。

"The well established doctrine of prosecution disclaimer, “preclud[es] patentees from recapturing through claim interpretation specific meanings disclaimed during prosecution.”"

"The prosecution history must show that the patentee clearly and unambiguously disclaimed or disavowed the proposed interpretation during prosecution to obtain claim allowance."

uplink bandwidth解釋:
"Additionally, in some embodiments, the size of an uplink (UL) grant could also
be taken into account (i.e., the size of the uplink transport block). For example, as
soon as more than one RBG [(radio bearer group)] has buffered data and there is
enough room in the UL grant then a report using a long format may be
communicated. If there is not enough UL grant then a short format with the RBG
of highest priority or with the RBG with the largest amount of buffered data may
be communicated. ..."


Phillips v. AWH案例參考:



